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H06 Household Villa Ladder

Car style: H06

Load capacity: 180-400kg

Car: The soft and beautiful photo is paired with a silver white control box, which is fresh and bright with a hint of vitality


Maximum lifting stroke: 13m

Maximum number of stopping layers: 5max

Carrying capacity: 180kg (recommended for passengers): (2 passengers)/Carrying capacity: 400kg (recommended for passengers): (5 passengers)

Shaft size: single door, clear width of shaft × Net depth (AH × BH): 1350mm × 1250mm

: Double door, clear width of shaft × Net depth (AH × BH): 1350mm × 1320mm

Car size: clear width of the car × Net depth (AA × BB): 770mm × 900mm

Top layer height: height OH: ≥ 2550mm

Entrance and exit dimensions: door width × Door height (HH × JJ): 700mm × 2000mm (non-standard 1900mm)

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